My Strive Verse: Savannah Rei


Recently, I have been pondering the fact that I have not really shared my faith with you guys. Ergo, I thought, what better way to share who I am through Christ than share my strive verse. Now most people talk about their life verse, that one verse in scripture that gets them through the day. However, a strive verse is much different, a strive verse is a verse you strive for, a verse that motivates you to become a better you through God’s word. Above and below is that verse,

Romans 12:2a

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Part of my testimony is that I used to be a follower. I used to buy the same clothes as the “cool” girls, I was tempted to try illegal drugs, I became infatuated with being in a relationship, and I even told lame jokes to appear “cool.” Most people always go through the loss of themselves, struggling to find who they are. Once I realized I was a child of God I began not to care about who I was in myself, but who I was in Christ.

On my first photo session, me being the model and Anna Filliben being the photographer, I was told of how I reminded Anna of Romans 12 : 2. My non-conformity was a comfort. However, Anna was not referring to my faith, she was referring to my personality. I then made it a personal mission to combine my non-conformity to my personality and faith.

I am not telling you this story to motivate you to be different,  I am telling you this story to wake you up like Anna woke me up, and realize those intentions that do not honor Christ and transform them into what dignifies your relationship with Him.

So today, I encourage you to evaluate yourself, who are you and what do you value about who you are? Check your prerogatives and see if they are in the right place, see if you’re set in Christ’s peace.

Note: Image was branded by me and is to be my first tattoo, wish me luck on not freaking out!