A Hobby or Two | Savannah Rei

I know, it’s been awhile “since I first saw you.” (Staind Moment)


Instagram @ savannahpoops

Recently, my season has been dead because of some misfortunes with my usual model, Kaitlyn.

So, what have I been doing you may ask?

I have been writing music; I have tried writing music throughout numerous occasions in my life; Middle School, High School and now College.  Through my endeavors of song writing it has always been the continuous steps of writing a song, liking it for two seconds and then throwing it away.  As I curled up into my quilt and learned the ways of my new, outdated iPhone I came upon the recording app that is naturally installed. On the iPod I used to own, this app was as well featured; however, it was inaccessible due to its outdated, as all of my electronics are, nature. (Yes, I am aware that I have a comma problem.) Having always recorded my voice on electronics that are not of the best quality, I decided to give this one a shot. After recording some general rhyme schemes and playing my voice back to me, I became ever so thankful for the clear, crisp sound that muffled my ears. Now pleased, I decided to sit and soak in my surroundings, I wanted to sing, I want to write, overall, I wanted to convey soul. From this rest and tranquility I have now completed one song called “The Wintumn Blues, ” and currently I am working on two songs and hoping to collaborate with my Jon-Foreman-lover-of-a-Guitarist, Bernard.

If you’re interested in listening to my finishing product The Wintumn Blues  feel free to e-mail me @ sabiesavannahrei@yahoo.com with the subject title as the song title, or comment below with your e-mail. If you have any comments or critiques regarding the song please feel free to reply to the Demo with the following suggestions and encouragements.

| Thank you for tuning inside of the mind and life of Savannah Rei photography. |

Harvest Days | B&W Compulsion Series


This weekend was my towns Harvest festival and I couldn’t help but snap some shots of the big event, regardless of the nasty weather that made its presence. Living in a small town that only has two stop lights and no wal-mart, well what seems like a small event can be a big deal. For us in NVA, northern Virginia, funnel cakes, vintage cars and tractors are a big part of our autumn festivities. Feel free to comment below with your regions Autumn celebrations.

Overall, enjoy some shots for my black and white series and a pinch of autumn color as well.
















(Just for laughs, here is me and mum.)


A Fairytale Boy:B&W Compulsion Series

NOTE: This is my 13 year old brother who was only willing to wear my nightgown through a bribe, he is not gay nor is he transgendered. However,  if you cannot handle images of a boy wearing a dress I suggest you go stalk another blog. I say this with earnest kindness and respect for you and myself.


Recently, I have been yearning to get a jump start on my B&W compulsion series. However, as cliche as it may sound, great things come to those who wait. The night before this session I was wearing my nightgown and admiring the collared detail and the lovely feeling of the silk against my skin. I didn’t care much about the color, I just cared about how it made me feel, beautiful. It is rare for me to feel beautiful before I go to bed, hair in a knotty bun and make up smeared under my puffy eyes, however, in this nightgown I felt extravagant. It then occurred to me that this nightgown would be a perfect center piece for my series.

The next day I aimlessly began to search for a girl to model my nightgown while babysitting my younger brother. As he played with my nightgown, holding it against him mimicking me, I stopped the e-mails, the text messages and the phone calls. Skyler helped me realize that a girl would only dimmer the beauty of the nightgown by attracting all of the attention to her face. After countless minutes of bribery and tomfoolery Skyler finally agreed to be my nightgown model.

Here is the final product, please enjoy.








| This post is dedicated to my dear friend April, a boy who respects women and longs to be one. |

B&W Compulsion Series: Savannah Rei



So recently I have struggled with not making every picture B&W (Black and White.) I figured the only way to let this urge out was to go on a full B&W Compulsion Series. Ergo, I am requiring any one that is every one to email me, message me, or even comment on this post to be my Northern VA B&W model(s)!

Comment ↓ | sabiesavannahrei@yahoo.com | Facebook IT!

If you do not think you’re beautiful enough, psh please, you must be too beautiful 😉

Note: Contact me before October 1st if you’re interested!


Post-It Notes and Tilt shifts: Savannah Rei


Some of you may not know that this is my first year of college, not only that, but everything is based online. Ergo, sometimes I can get a tad distracted. Hence, I see my camera and think for some reason you guys may want to know some keen study habits that actually work!

1.Even though writing in your book may help, I assure you post its help even more.

a.You can’t sell written-in text books majority of the time.

b.If you place the note in the wrong margin you can easily move it somewhere else.

c.Great for edge bookmarking and indexing



a.You can sell books with highlighted marks

b.There is never too much information that can be highlighted

c.It makes the book look more appealing to the eye.


3.You can never answer too many questions.

a.Use study guide questions

b.Use the books discussion questions

c.Use the syllabus questions

(It never hurts to know too much.)


4. Do not “shoo” your cat off of the bed.

a. A cat’s purr is great to jam to during text book days

b. When you become dismayed, cuddling with your cat can perk you up in seconds

c. Great for a book stand

I hope you enjoyed this humorous post and pictures.

Happy studying!