A Hobby or Two | Savannah Rei

I know, it’s been awhile “since I first saw you.” (Staind Moment)


Instagram @ savannahpoops

Recently, my season has been dead because of some misfortunes with my usual model, Kaitlyn.

So, what have I been doing you may ask?

I have been writing music; I have tried writing music throughout numerous occasions in my life; Middle School, High School and now College.  Through my endeavors of song writing it has always been the continuous steps of writing a song, liking it for two seconds and then throwing it away.  As I curled up into my quilt and learned the ways of my new, outdated iPhone I came upon the recording app that is naturally installed. On the iPod I used to own, this app was as well featured; however, it was inaccessible due to its outdated, as all of my electronics are, nature. (Yes, I am aware that I have a comma problem.) Having always recorded my voice on electronics that are not of the best quality, I decided to give this one a shot. After recording some general rhyme schemes and playing my voice back to me, I became ever so thankful for the clear, crisp sound that muffled my ears. Now pleased, I decided to sit and soak in my surroundings, I wanted to sing, I want to write, overall, I wanted to convey soul. From this rest and tranquility I have now completed one song called “The Wintumn Blues, ” and currently I am working on two songs and hoping to collaborate with my Jon-Foreman-lover-of-a-Guitarist, Bernard.

If you’re interested in listening to my finishing product The Wintumn Blues  feel free to e-mail me @ sabiesavannahrei@yahoo.com with the subject title as the song title, or comment below with your e-mail. If you have any comments or critiques regarding the song please feel free to reply to the Demo with the following suggestions and encouragements.

| Thank you for tuning inside of the mind and life of Savannah Rei photography. |